Egnyte Sign

Simplify document approval and validation with a turnkey eSignature solution built into the flow of work​
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Egnyte E-Signature

Common Challenges with Siloed eSignature Software

Cumbersome User Experience​

Switching between interfaces disrupts the flow of business, hampering user productivity​

Data Sprawl​

Disconnected, standalone tools create data sprawl and impede effective search​

IT Cost and Complexity​

Standalone solutions add unnecessary IT cost and management overhead​

The Egnyte Solution​

Egnyte: Add E-Signature Signers

Add Signers

Add signers and fields such as date, title, company. Egnyte Sign supports multiple file formats like PDF, Word, and Google Doc. ​

Egnyte: Build E-Signature Workflow

Build Workflow

Specify due dates and signing order. Provide a customized message and reminders.

Egnyte: Send and Review E-Signature Documents

Send and Review

Send notifications to recipients’ email. Review digitally signed documents in a unified interface.

Annotate and Edit PDFs with Egnyte

Annotate and Edit PDFs with Egnyte

Learn how to preview, annotate and edit PDFs in Egnyte:

  • Preview PDF documents and review annotations in a seamless environment
  • Choose from over 30 native annotation tools, edit PDF text and images, update font size, and styling
  • Add, remove, rearrange, or merge pages easily by clicking or through drag-and-drop page thumbnails

Get Started with Egnyte Today